The global macro cycle and especially the U.S. policy mix will prove to be a drag on emerging and developing economies, while the latter will remain at risk of experiencing further financial distress in the medium term, which, broadly speaking, will also raise the risk of domestic political instability. After more than a decade of ultra-low global interest rates and quantitative easing in the wake of the 2008 global financial crisis, significant flows of capital to emerging and developing economies. Low-income and lower-middle income economies have historically relied on official bilateral and multilateral financing, leading to Paris Club led restructuring. The tightening cycle was cut short by COVID-19, which lead for interest rates to effectively fall to zero and advanced (and even some non-advanced) central engaging in renewed quantitative easing, which effectively contributed to lowering long-term interest rates and support capital flows. The most recent tightening began in the wake of post-COVID-19 recovery, supply chain disruption, Ukraine energy shock and pent-up demand leading to most dramatic spike in inflation in more than forty years in advanced economies. As a consequence of economic shocks and higher borrowing costs, many especially developing economies experienced financial distress and several defaulted on their debt and/ or were forced to apply for IMF support. Sovereign distress, default and restructuring is only one variety of financial distress an economy can experience. Banking crises are another important source of financial instability. The past five years saw significant financial distress, particularly in low income countries, including several sovereign defaults. The economic shock related to COVID-19, higher U.S. interest rates and a stronger dollar led to financial distress in many developing economies, particularly in so-called frontier markets.
> In the past five years, the following countries have defaulted on and/ or were forced to restructure their sovereign international debt: Belize, Zambia, Ecuador, Argentina, Lebanon and Suriname. Argentina pre-emptively restructured its debt in 2020.
> According to the Bank of England default database, ten sovereigns accounted for 75% of the US-dollar value of debt currently in default globally (mainly Russia and Venezuela). the level of global public debt in default has averaged between 0.3% and 0.6% over the past decade, and currently stands at 0.5%.
The shift in U.S. economic policy will prove challenging for highly-indebted, low-income countries, as global interest rates will remain comparatively high, the dollar strong, the economic outlook (outside the United States) uncertain and the political-economic outlook fraught with risk. Adverse global economic and financial conditions, particularly in context of potentially inflationary and expansionary U.S. macroeconomic and trade policies, higher U.S. interest, rates, a stronger dollar, and lower dollar commodity prices could make things worse and lead to renewed financial, economic and domestic political distress in emerging and developing economies. An uncertain economic outlook in China due to structural and cyclical challenges as well as risks related to a conflictual U.S. economic policy toward Beijing has the potential to negatively impact low-income economies. Lower Chinese demand for commodities due to a move away from real-state and infrastructure-intensive growth and a reduced willingness to provide financing to low-income countries will negatively affect the economic and financial outlook. Emerging economies have generally solid economic fundamentals and sufficiently flexible policy regimes to limit the risk of a systemic financial crisis, including external debt defaults. Low-income countries have far greater financial vulnerabilities. Among emerging markets, Argentina, Ecuador as well as Pakistan face more significant financial challenges. But they also stand to benefit from IMF support, which means that if they follow IMF-prescribed policies in the context of an IMF program, they should be able to avoid another round of severe financial distress.
> The U.S. dollar on a trade-weighted basis. U.S. interest rate outlook has been revised upward in recent months in light of slow disinflation and risk of inflationary U.S. macroeconomic and trade policies. U.S. interest rates will decline only very modestly if all this year. Some market analysts even predict that the Federal Reserve may be forced to raise interest rates.
> Argentina, Ukraine, Egypt, Ecuador and Pakistan are the largest recipients of IMF loans, largely on account of their economic size. However, the bulk of countries receiving IMF support in the context of balance of payments problems is located sub-Saharan.
> Low-income, developing countries, including frontier markets, are most at risk of financial distress in light of significant bilateral and private external borrowing. Ghana and Zambia have just emerged from sovereign default.
A significant number of mostly low-income countries (developing economies), as opposed to higher-middle income countries (or emerging economies) face various degrees of financial distress, including balance-of-payments problems, and are undergoing IMF-supervised economic adjustment. Short of a detailed economic, political and financial analysis of individual cases, sovereign credit ratings are an acceptable, if imperfect indicator of economic and financial risk in a country. However, they can and do sometimes miss risks, including non-sovereign financial risks. But broadly speaking, sovereign credit ratings (see table) seem strongly correlated with economic development and per capita income. Low-risk countries (rated A or higher) are largely advanced economies; the medium-risk category (rated BB or BBB) is dominated by emerging economies; the high-risk category consists mostly of low-income countries. A more fundamental reason why medium-term risk countries are less at risk than high-risk countries is their lower level of dollar-denominated risks, more independent central banks and more flexible exchange rates, which makes balance-of-payments more manageable. Often, they also benefit from a larger domestic investor base and stronger institutions. THis is not to suggest that countries like Brazil, Mexico, South Africa or Turkey will not face more challenging financial conditions, but they are unlikely to experience sovereign distress or external payments defaults in the next few years.
> As of 2023, IMF estimated that share of developing economies in distress. It estimated that 25 percent of emerging and developing economies were at high risk and faced “default-like” spreads on their sovereign debt, meaning their ability to raise (or refinance) international debt was severely curtailed. About 15 percent of low-income countries were in debt distress, and an additional 45 percent are at high risk of debt distress. While some of these low-income countries are undergoing IMF-supervised definition and/ or have emerged from a debt restructuring, risks remain elevated, particularly in view of a worsening global macro environment.
> A consequence of U.S. financial sanctions, Russia’s sovereign default (2022) was involuntary, while Ukraine’s default was largely the consequence of the war. Ukraine has successfully restructured (part?) of its private external debt, but not its official debt.
> Ghana, Sri Lanka, Zambia have restructured their debt and continue to make progress on broader economic adjustment with fair prospect of regaining market access at the end of the IMF program. Argentina needs to secure an IMF agreement and move towards greater exchange rate flexibility to sustainably reestablish the equilibrium of its balance of payments. Lebanon and Venezuela (Republic and PDVSA) remain in default
An adverse macro environment and significant economic and financial vulnerabilities in low-income countries will keep the risk of political instability high, regardless of whether countries default and restructure their or avoid a debt restructuring but undergo significant policy adjustment. Domestic political instability often accompanies IMF programs, as policy adjustment and conditionality in the form of a tighter monetary policy, currency devaluation and fiscal adjustment, whether tax increases or expenditure, including subsidies cuts, prove deeply unpopular against the backdrop of initially often weak economic growth and high inflation. Opposition parties and where applicable coalition parties often have an incentive to criticize adjustment policies in view of the next elections, further fueling opposition to adjustment and their short-term economic costs. To the extent that IMF programs contain structural conditionality it may also require politically painful structural reform, such as the privatization of state assets and opposition from concentrated, well-organized and often politically influential domestic political interests. However, an external debt default is typically even more destabilizing, economically and politically, as it sharply limits a country’s access to external financing and forces a precipitous contraction of imports on the country as well as a lack of access to long-term financing of investment. Often, but not always, a default is accompanied by banking crises or domestic government debt crises. Governments tend to not to survive the economic turmoil in the wake of a disorderly default, but debtor governments and their creditors often kick the proverbial can down the road for too long and then get forced into an even more disruptive disorderly financial default rather than a pre-emptive debt restructuring against the backdrop of IMF support. This dynamic will also contribute to further financial distress, including sovereign debt crises and possibly defaults, in low-income countries in the next few years. But even if outright sovereign defaults can be avoided, increased financial distress will put increasing stress on many countries in the high-risk category.
> The potential for (very) adverse spill-over effects from financial distress in emerging and developing economies is very limited, particularly compared to the 1980s and 1990s, when defaults threatened to bring down the U.S. banking system or destabilize U.S. financial markets (e.g. Long-Term Capital Management). Today, the financial importance of non-advanced countries in financial distress is very limited. The systemic financial importance of the countries in the high-risk category is negligible (see table).
> It took Zambia (2020-24) four years to restructure its debt. Ghana (2022-24) and Sri Lanka managed to do in in two years. While three countries hardly makes a large enough sample, it is possible that future debt restructuring will be completed less slowly, though much will in practice depend on how messy a default is and how willing debtors are to While the G20 Common Framework and Global Debt Roundtable have not delivered, debt restructurings seem to be completed less slowly in the context of non-Paris Club creditors like China